Hello everyone, I am the founder of Warxsaber.

When I was young, I dreamed of owning a lightsaber of my own, but the high price turned me away.

At that time, I just wanted an affordable laser sword.

So I created this brand so that everyone who loves Star Wars can have a lightsaber of their own, and most importantly, play with family and friends.

Our goal is to bring joy and happiness to everyone and to keep our fans satisfied in the long term.
We don't want price to be a threshold that hinders happiness.

As the founder of Warxsaber,
I will provide fans with the best at affordable prices Lightsaber, we have rebuilt NX7 according to everyone's preferences after collecting the comments of many fans.

I hope you like it.
Join the family of Waxsaber!

Shenzhenshi qiaoke maoyiyouxiangongsi